We welcome your submissions! https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jimss
Kyle receives the Student of the Year Award from the San Francisco AIAA chapter, congratulations!
Prof. Gu has been elected as the Secretary of the ASME Technical Committee Composites and Heterogeneous Materials!
We had a great dinner with the Berkeley ME Mechanics Group!
Zilan presents a wonderful PhD seminar!
Congratulations Zilan!
Gu Group now has access to an ExOne M-Flex binderjet printer!
Thank you LLNL for the kind support!
Our paper on aeroelastic flutter chosen as Editor’s Pick from Physics of Fluids. Congrats Jiyoung!
check out paper here: https://pubs.aip.org/aip/pof/article-abstract/36/10/101706/3316363/Data-driven-airfoil-shape-optimization-framework?redirectedFrom=fulltext
Gu Group receives the 2024 SES Young Investigator Medal!
Thank you SES for this honor!
Please submit an abstract to The Northern California Aerospace Symposium (NCAS)!
website information: https://sites.google.com/ucdavis.edu/ncas/home?pli=1