Our symposium is called: DS01 – Integrating machine learning and simulations for materials modeling, design and manufacturing More info here: https://www.mrs.org/meetings-events/spring-meetings-exhibits/2022-mrs-spring-meeting/call-for-papers/detail/2022_mrs_spring_meeting/ds01/Symposium_DS01 Abstracts are due October 28, 2021 Hope to see you there!
Gu Group receives the DARPA Young Faculty Award!
Many thanks to DARPA for the support!
Postdoc openings
Gu Group receives NSF support from the DMREF program!
Many thanks to the NSF Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF) program for the support. We look forward to collaborating with Prof. Michael Bartlett (Virginia Tech), Prof. Bruce Lee (Michigan Tech), and Prof. Rong Long (UC Boulder) on the topic of switchable underwater adhesion.
Andrew, Ailin, and Zeqing receive an NSF funded student grant to attend the Solid Freeform Fabrication conference. Congratulations!
Thank you NSF and SFF for the support!
Prof. Gu joins the advisory board of Materials Horizons!
Our collaborative work with the Department of Nuclear Engineering on a laser scan strategy descriptor for metal AM is published in Journal of Manufacturing Processes. Congrats Zhizhou and Demir!
See here for paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1526612521003339
Gu Group receives an ONR Young Investigator Program Award!
Thank you ONR for the support! https://www.onr.navy.mil/en/Education-Outreach/Sponsored-Research/YIP/2021-young-investigators
Bowen passes his qualifiying exams. Congratulations!
Gu Group receives an Amazon Research Award!
Thank you Amazon for the support! https://www.amazon.science/research-awards/program-updates/2020-amazon-research-awards-recipients-announced